

Run when starting a new game. This code takes the user through the introductory images and text, presents the virtue dilemmas, and sets up the initial character stats and starting location based on them.

Additional BLOAD’d

  • TREE.SPK — loaded at $6439 and $64AC
  • PRTL.SPK — loaded at $6486
  • LOOK.SPK — loaded at $64D2
  • FAIR.SPK — loaded at $6504
  • WAGN.SPK — loaded at $652A
  • GYPS.SPK — loaded at $6550
  • TABL.SPK — loaded at $6576

The above SPK files are loaded into $4000 and then decoded into the hires page 1. The decoding routine starts at $6B96.

  • CRDS — loaded at $659C

The above likely contains the card images. It is loaded into $4000 and $6B3E is the routine for drawing a particular card on the screen.

  • NPRT — loaded at $6734 into $00
  • NLST — loaded at $6734 into $EE00
  • NRST — loaded at $6734 into $EC00

  • DISK — loaded at $69EA just to check what disk is in the drive

And when done, ULT4 is BRUN.

Key Data Locations

  • $642F — stores the text number we’re up to in the introductory story
  • $67E6[] — the virtue selections during the dilemmas (00 = not seen; 01 = chosen; FF = rejected)
  • $67EE[] — base text numbers for the dilemmas each virtue
  • $67F5 — top virtue / character class
  • $67F6 — first card/virtue
  • $67F7 — second card/virtue
  • $67F8 — number of dilemmas / card pairs seen
  • $67F9[] — possible X starting location based on virtue/class
  • $6801[] — possibly Y starting location based on virtue/class
  • $6809 — STR
  • $680A — DEX
  • $680B — INT
  • $680C[] — increase to STR based on top virtue / class
  • $6814[] — increase to DEX based on top virtue / class
  • $681C[] — increase to INT based on top virtue / class
  • $6824[] — initial virtue scores
  • $6B86[] — 16-bit values; address of card image by virtue
  • $6CB3- — string pool

String Pool

The data is at $6CB3 and consists of null-delimited strings. The strings are numbers by how many nulls you have to pass to get to the string you want. The text display routine at $6A77.

  • 0x01 thru 0x1C are the virtue dilemmas
  • 0x1D thru 0x34 are the parts of the introductory story leading to the card placement
  • 0x35–0x38 are texts when gypsy is placing cards
  • 0x39–0x40 are virtue names
  • 0x42–0x43 are final messages before main game starts

Table of contents