
File Loading

INIT   $4000-$50E5
SEL BLOADed by INIT $4095 $0320-$03B5
SUBS BLOADed by INIT $40A7 $0800-$2000
SHP0 BLOADed by INIT $410E $D000-$E000 bank 1
SHP1 BLOADed by INIT $4122 $D000-$E000 bank 2
TBLS BLOADed by INIT $412F $E000-$E400
HTXT BLOADed by INIT $4143 $E400-$E800
BOOT BRUN by INIT $4157 $6000-$7394
MUSA BLOADed by SEL $0384 $F000-
ANIM BLOADed by BOOT $6003 $4000-
BGND BLOADed by BOOT $6017 $7A00-


MBSM BLOADed by BOOT $69F0 $F000-
MBSI BLOADed by BOOT $6A04 $8000-


ULT4 BRUN by BOOT $6B24 $4000-

DISK is loaded by:

  • BOOT at $70E6
  • SUBS at $18EC

ULT4 loads:

  • PRTY
  • LIST
  • ROST
  • TLST
  • CON_
  • SAVE

Also, NEWGAME is BRUN from BOOT $6BEE on character creation.

Other files still to investigate.

memory map

  • $E800 disk buffer?
  • $E900 disk buffer?
  • $EA00 disk buffer?
  • $EB00 disk buffer?

  • $EC00 party roster
  • $ED00 overall attributes
  • $EE00 LIST or disk buffer

character data vector

  • $00 thru $07 - name? (maybe all the way to $0F?)
  • $10 - character gender (0x5C for Male and 0x7B for Female ?)
  • $12 - character status (e.g. G or P or S or D)
  • $18 - most-significant digit of character health
  • $19 - lower two digits of character health
  • $1A - most-significant digit of max character health
  • $1B - lower two digits of max character health


  • $00 thru $07 - virtue scores ???
  • $08 - torch count?
  • $10 - first two digits of food
  • $11 - next two digits of food
  • $13 - first two digits of gold
  • $14 - next two digita of gold