$0A - related to player location
$0B - if #$03, we're in a dungeon
$0C - in dungeon, what level we're on (one less than what's displayed, e.g. #$00 = level 1)
$0E - what player's icon/tile is
0x10 - 0x13 ship
0x14 - 0x15 horse
0x18 balloon
0x1F on foot
$0F - party size
$10 - in dungeon, what direction we're facing
$14 - is inverted on Yell and high bit is used to determine whether 'woah!' or 'giddyup!'
is 0x00 after resurrection
$15 - 0x00 if never met LB before, 0x01 once met
$1B - ship strength
$BC - gender: 0x5C for Male and 0x7B for Female
$C6 - avatar status character?
$C8 - tile player currently on?
$CE - text column
$CF - text row
$D0 - the disk number just loaded (from DISK file)
$D1 - ??? number of drives ???
$D2 - the disk number in drive 1
$D3 - the disk number in drive 2
$D4 - character number
$D8 - ???
$D9 - temp var
$DA - temp var
$DE - desired disk number
$DF - drive number
$E0 - track number
$E1 - sector number
$E2 - command (0=SEEK, 1=READ, 2=WRITE, 4=FORMAT)
$E3 - data buffer high byte ?
$EA - character buffer pointer
$F5 - what direction wind is blowing from
#$00 WEST
#$01 NORTH
#$02 EAST
#$03 SOUTH
or something else?