
Request Disk Switch

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. (Re)start Request
  3. Use Disk 1
  4. Display Disk Change Request
  5. Verify New Disk
  6. Sub-Routine for Printing Name of Disk
  7. Other Sub-Routines Used
  8. Zero Page Locations Used
  9. What Calls This


Requests a switch, if necessary, to the disk number given in the accumulator.

  • 1 — ULTIMA
  • 3 — TOWN
  • 4 — DUNGEON

The vector call is to $0842.

0842  4C 68 18      JMP $1868

But the actual routine is at $1868.

We use $DE to store the desire disk number longer term.

1868    85 DE       STA $DE

(Re)start Request

186A    A5 DE       LDA $DE

If the BRITANNIA disk is requested, we branch to handle it differently because we want to allow for drive 2 to have it.

186C    C9 02       CMP #$02
186E    F0 5F       BEQ $18CF

If the DUNGEON disk is requested, we also branch to handle it differently because we want to allow for drive 2 to have it.

1870    C9 04       CMP #$04
1872    F0 5B       BEQ $18CF

Use Disk 1

But now, let’s assume we’re just dealing with drive 1.

$DF is a variable used to contain a drive number we want to refer to.

Let’s start off by setting $DF to 0x01

1874    A9 01       LDA #$01
1876    85 DF       STA $DF

$D2 contains the number of the disk in drive 1.

If the disk we want is already in drive 1…

1878    A5 DE       LDA $DE
187A    C5 D2       CMP $D2

…we can branch

187C    F0 63       BEQ $18E1


Display Disk Change Request

$DE should contain the disk number we want and $DF should contain the drive we want it put in.

We print:

{disk name} DISK
INTO DRIVE {drive number}
187E    20 85 0F    JSR $0F85
1881    8D D0 CC C5 C1 D3 C5 A0 D0 CC C1 C3 C5 A0 D4 C8 C5 8D 00      "^MPLEASE PLACE THE^M"

Call a subroutine (see below) to print the disk name based on $DE.

1894    20 09 19    JSR $1909
1897    20 85 0F    JSR $0F85
1894    A0 C4 C9 D3 CB 8D C9 CE D4 CF A0 C4 D2 C9 D6 C5 A0 00         "DISK^MINTO DRIVE "

Now we get the drive number from $DF and print it using a routine to print the accumulator as a single digit.

18AC    A5 DF       LDA $DF         ; get the drive number from $DF
18AE    20 8B 10    JSR $108B       ; print drive number
18B1    20 85 0F    JSR $0F85
18B4  8D C1 CE C4 A0 D0 D2 C5 D3 D3 A0 DB C5 D3 C3 DD 8D 00           "^MAND PRESS [ESC]^M"

Now call a routine to take a keypress.

18C6    20 B5 0A    JSR $0AB5

If we don’t get ESC (0x9B), just branch back to take another keypress, otherwise branch to Verify New Disk.

18C9    C9 9B       CMP #$9B
18CB    D0 F9       BNE $18C6
18CD    F0 12       BEQ $18E1


We come here if BRITANNIA or DUNGEON disks are requested.

$D1 is the number of disk drives the machine has. If it’s less than 2, we branch back to Use Disk 1.

18CF    A5 D1       LDA $D1
18D1    C9 02       CMP #$02
18D3    90 9F       BCC $1874

But if we have a second drive, let’s use it. We set $DF to be 0x02.

18D5    A9 02       LDA #$02
18D7    85 DF       STA $DF

$D3 contains the number of the disk we think we have in drive 2. If it’s equal to the desired disk, we can move on to Verify New Disk otherwise, we need to Display Disk Change Request.

18D9    A5 DE       LDA $DE
18DB    C5 D3       CMP $D3
18DD    F0 02       BEQ $18E1
18DF    D0 9D       BNE $187E

Verify New Disk

We now need to see if the desired disk is indeed in the chosen drive.

We modify the BLOAD string below with the drive we want to use (stored in $18F8) so the command runs on the right drive. We add (without carry) 0xB0 to the drive number to convert it to the right character code to use in the DOS command.

We then call DOS (by printing a string starting with ^D) to load the DISK file on the disk in the chosen drive.

18E1    A5 DF       LDA $DF
18E3    18          CLC
18E4    69 B0       ADC #$B0
18E6    8D F8 18    STA $18F8
18E9    20 D2 0F    JSR $0FD2
18EC  84 C2 CC CF C1 C4 C4 C9 D3 CB AC C4   "^DBLOADDISK,D"
18F8  B1                                    "1"
18F9  8D 00                                 "^M"

The DISK file is a single byte file loaded at $D0.

We take the value of $D0 and store it in $D1+$DF, i.e. $D2 if $DF is 1 and $D3 if $DF is 2.

18FB    A6 DF       LDX $DF
18FD    A5 D0       LDA $D0
18FF    95 D1       STA $D1,X

We then compare it with the desired disk ($DE). If it’s equal, we return, otherwise we (Re)start Request.

1901    C5 DE       CMP $DE
1903    F0 03       BEQ $1908
1905    4C 6A 18    JMP $186A
1908    60          RTS

Sub-Routine for Printing Name of Disk

Based on the value of $DE.

First we decrement it by two.

1909    A6 DE       LDX $DE
190B    CA          DEX
190C    CA          DEX

Now BRITANNIA means X is zero. If not, we branch, but if so, we print “BRITANNIA”.

190D    D0 0E       BNE $191D
190F    20 85 0F    JSR $0F85
1912    C2 D2 C9 D4 C1 CE CE C9 C1 00                 "BRITANNIA"
191C    60          RTS

We decrement again.

191D    CA          DEX

Now TOWNE means X is zero. If not, we branch again, but if so, we print “TOWNE”.

191E    D0 0A       BNE $192A
1920    20 85 0F    JSR $0F85
1923    D4 CF D7 CE C5 00                             "TOWNE"
1929    60          RTS

We’re only left with UNDERWORLD now.

192A    20 85 0F    JSR $0F85
192D  D5 CE C4 C5 D2 D7 CF D2 CC C4 00                "UNDERWORLD"
1938  60            RTS

Other Sub-Routines Used

$0AB5 — get a keypress

$0F85 — display the following null-terminated string at the current cursor location

$0FD2 — print the following null-terminated string via the OS

$108B — display the single digit number in the accumulator at the current cursor location.

Zero Page Locations Used

$D0 — the disk number just loaded (from DISK file)

$D1 — the number of drives the machine has

$D2 — the disk number in drive 1

$D3 — the disk number in drive 2

$DE — desired disk number

$DF — drive to use

What Calls This

This is called three times in ULT4 and once in SAVE.